Tuesday, July 26, 2011

HOW TO WEAR: The Lacoste Shorts

You know how Zoolander's got Magnum and all those other moves?
Lee's infamous move which always sells are his jump shots.

The Lee
He's wearing the Lacoste shorts that I'm selling. Pretty cheap I must say since it's legit Lacoste, super worth the buy, guys. Here's how instant-cool you can be when you wear it.

Oh, my..what is that on my right? *CAMERA POSE*
Here's Lee, GONE WILD:

Now doesn't that make you want to buy these ozom shorts ang go Magnum shit on everyone that calls your name????
:)) Instant cool even with just a plain shirt, preferably v-necks coz:

TRUE STORY. Ni-reblog ko yan sa tumblr. =))

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